
  • To improve the quality and accessibility of drinking water
  • Women empowerment through capacity building, skill training and financial support for small business.
  • Support peace building and reconciliation activities through education (drama, sports, songs and poetry)
  • Increase women participation in the society
  • Promote the community awareness about ownership, self-reliance, and influencing decision making process and strengthening civil society.
  • Promote the adult education program
  • Mobilizing the community towards the achievements of equal opportunity regardless of status or race.
  • To mobilize the grass roots for FGM eradication and HIV/AIDS
  • To promote the protection of the environment and improving the sanitation status.
  • To advocate for the deprived right of the Female gender {Equality} as well as the young children.
  • To participate and develop peace rallies in the Region and the District in particular.

To support the education activities through mobilization of youth to eradicate illiteracy